Monster of the Day #3447

Neat! Another nice fan poster. That’sa nice.

Watch Party this Friday.

  • kgb_san_diego

    That is awesome. 10-year-old me would have wanted this on his bedroom wall for sure.

    Heck, 52-year-old me might still want it on the wall…

  • KeithB

    15 year old me would have wanted her in her underwear.

  • Rock Baker

    Hey, I can post again! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. Ken, you never sent that box…

  • Gamera977

    Great to see you back on the forum Rock!!!

  • Gamera977

    Looking forward to the watch party Friday!

    Though I did have a nightmare about Kristi North having to save Christmas from Superman. Supes had gathered up all the world’s Christmas trees in a giant net and was going to hurl them into the Sun until Kristi stopped him. Gene Hackman was there as the Grinch or Scrooge or something and there was a Nuclear Krampus. Weird, just weird….